Yes, it is official.

I am delighted to announce It's A Yaoi Recipe! Podcast is officially affiliated with Irodori Sakura (Irodori Comic).

Click on the affiliated link and you will be directed to the Irodori Sakura website page. For every successful purchase through the affiliate link, Yaoi Recipe will receive a 10% commission.

Irodori Sakura affiliated link:

Take the opportunity to use the link and to buy any Irodori Comic doujinshi during the July sale. (ends 31st 2023)

I am delighted and proud to be affiliate with Irodori Comics. I will continue to do Irodoei review and do my best to promote the company.

I want to thank Irodori Comic team for inviting me to be part of the affiliation program.

Deciding What Doujinshi to buy: Read 10 Irodori Sakura BL Doujinshi to buy during the July summer sale.

Also read: Yaoi Recipe is Now Officially Affiliate with Irodori comic