Available to read on Futekiya: https://read.futekiya.com/comic/62e87c2f8f571

Publisher: Home-Sha Inc.

I was very pleased that Futekiya has more of Megane’s BL titles on the site. I personally enjoy Megane’s Manga. I follow the artist on PiXIV, I bought. It’s of the artist's titles in print. I wish it could get an English publication. I mentioned Megane a lot on this podcast and did a couple of reviews of the artist’s work.

This manga is an omegaveres BL, I don’t typically read much omegavrse BL, it is not a sub-genre I often will read but there are some that are very interesting and good. 

I am on Instagram, I will be posting some photos and small clips on what I have been reading and daily videos clip on what I have been doing including behind the scene.  My account  [@Yaoi_Recip ](https://www.instagram.com/yaoi_recipe/) 

YAOI RECIPE SHOP OPEN ON Ko-FI!: Check out my Ko0fi shop, I am selling my own Yaoi Manga and artbook (ebook PDF) for everyone to enjoy. Listener to the podcast can get 5% off on the Manga category, Use the Code at the checkout: YAOIRECIPE