Brenda Ster spent the first 20 years of her working career in training and financial technology, and climbed the corporate ladder. But by her forties, she was stressed out, burned out, overworked, travelled too much, and barely made time for her family.

That all changed when she joined a direct marketing company that sold jewelry. She threw out the direct sales playbook, built a team of 1,000, and generated upwards of $1 million per year in volume. She did this all online - with no home parties, no vendor events, and no spam - and the company took notice. However, when they couldn’t come to a financial agreement, she set out on her own.

Now, at Social Boss Collective, Brenda shows people how to launch, grow, and scale their online business. Through doing what she loves, she enjoys a work-life balance she never could have envisioned in her previous career, and makes the most of her truly unique skill set.

Today, Brenda joins the podcast to share the story of her journey into accidental entrepreneurship, the big wins and major mistakes she made along the way, and why the membership model works so well for coaches and teachers in virtually any industry.


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