In the last episode of the IT Provider Network, Episode 30, we talked about building an inside/outside sales organization within your company. In today's episode, I want to share with you my recent experiences outsourcing telemarketing and appointment to a 3rd party.


Episode 31 has taken quite a while to get recorded. I have had a crazy end to the winter. I attended three different conferences and launched the beginnings of another business. My first conference was PodFest 2018 in Orlando. Podfest is an excellent niche event for independent podcasters. Over the last two years, it has really exploded as more and more people are becoming aware of podcasts.
Companies like NPR and podcasts like Serial have done a lot to bring podcasts more mainstream.

The second conference I attended was Traffic and Conversion in San Diego. I have to tell you it's nice to go to sunny California in the middle of a noreaster back east. Traffic and Conversion is a large conference focusing on the latest tips and tricks to get more people to your website and convert more of those visitors to buyers. I learned a lot, but when I was done, I thought my head was going to explore. I put a couple of videos on Instagram with some good takeaways, if you're interested you can follow me @TerryRossi on Instagram. Drop me a DM and let me know you're a podcast listener and I will follow you back.

Last weekend I was at a conference for my new business. Before I tell you what it is, you have to promise not to judge. I am going into the Specialty Coffee business. I have a roaster, and my business partner and I are building a cafe'.

I am like a madman learning the art and skills required to one day make great coffee and some tasty treats. Right now the coffee I am roasting tastes like crap, but it is getting better with every roast.
Like the computer business, there is SO MUCH to learn. I am really enjoying it.

I know this sounds bizarre, but I have been involved in the hospitality industry since I was 13 so it's not that far off base... ok maybe a little.

So CoffeeFest in Baltimore was the third conference I attended just last week.

And now I am down in Orlando again for Funnel Hackers Live, Russell Brunson's event learning about sales funnels and all the people that make millions selling weight loss and supplements and dreams!

Why? Because I can, and I am genuinely interested. I heard a quote today from Gary Vaynerchuk. He said, and I am paraphrasing, without the f-bombs, our smartphones are like the TV sets of the 1960's, and he's right. We have built-in distribution, built-in networks and all we need to do is build shows and create audiences. I encourage all of you to build your audiences and figure out how to keep selling to them. And most importantly do what floats your boat. This isn't a dress rehearsal.

So make a long story short, that's what has taken me so long to get this podcast out the door.

About Outsourcing your Appointment Setting

So back to the business at hand. Should you outsource your appointment setting or built it up in-house. Well, I'll cut to the chase, and tell you, I don't know.

As I mentioned in Episode 30 of the IT Provider Network podcast, I had an inside sales, telemarketer, appointment setter for almost ten years. He was heads down, nose to the grindstone, dialing for dollars all day every day BUT I think I was really lucky. I had one guy for ten years making 80 dials a day. I think that's an anomaly.

I think it is more typical that you would be hiring someone almost continuously. They are a different breed, and if you are a small business with one caller, it will be hard to keep and motivate that person.

I'm not saying it can't be done just that you might spend a good amount of time, hiring, training and firing people that don't get it done or fit your culture. The caller in a smaller MSP could be on an island. Being told NO most of the day and being the only one in your department...