I heard Gary V or Gary Venyerchuk doing a Q&A the other day and he was answering a question about the influx of content creators and how one can stand out in a crowded space.   He said,  "In a crowded mature market, you need to be better than the other guy".

Ok, I might buy that you need to be good but I would also add you need to be memorable.  You need to create moments with your clients.

There is a new book coming out that was the inspiration behind this episode of the podcast.  It by an author team, known as the Heath Brothers.  Chip and Dan Heath have written some great business books among them:

Switch - How to change things when change is hard.
Made to Stick - Why some ideas survive and others die.
Decisive - How to make better choices in life and work

Their upcoming book The Power Of Moments which if preorder TODAY by going to the IT Provider Network website  will come with 5 great bonuses from the Heath Brothers.  This offer expires on October 3rd so if you want it  follow the simple instructions on how to preorder the book you can  get the 5 great bonuses from the authors.    Go to the itprovidernetwork.com/moments for the instructions.

I heard Dan Heath talking about The Power of Moments on the Tony Robbins podcast.  In their book, they talk about the difference between moments and true experiences.  Dan gave the example of Disneyland and how if we were to evaluate the experience as the sum of all the time we spent at Disneyland we would probably prefer to stay home on the couch.   No sore legs,  long lines,  hot and humid days but we don't evaluate experiences based on the average of the whole experience we evaluate and remember them based on moments that occurred in that experience.

When I was listening to him recount this, I was thinking about attending a football game.  I am outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania and our NFL team the Eagle have some crazy crazy fans.   The spend an entire day in the freezing cold to watch a game that if you were to average it down would be much better experienced in front of the TV than in a freezing cold stadium.  But again that's not how we remember things,  we look at the peaks and remember them.

Dan Heath talks about positive moments being created in four different ways:

Elevation - Experience that rise above normal day-to-day stuff.  weddings, speeches, etc.
Insight - Love at first sight,  Fed Up with a job or relationship.  These happen in an instant
Pride - Moments when you are truly proud or have stood up for something you believe
Connection - a Team working through a tough problem - relationships are formed for life.

It's a really interesting subject and what I took from this is that we need to create moments with our business.

He gives a couple of examples of how businesses who maybe weren't the best in their industry or they were in very crowded industries have created moments with their customers and employees that make them rise to the top of the field.

The first one, I bet you have all heard,  here's a sound byte of one of the moments the company has made.

That's a Southwest Airlines flight attendant performing a federally mandated safety briefing in a very memorable way, in a way that creates a lasting impression with the passengers.   They actually studying this and this one thing alone could be tied back to a 140 Million Dollars in additional revenue - IT COST THEM NOTHING.

The next great example is the Magic Castle hotel in California.  I have actually heard of this hotel on two occasions now.  It is a little old junkie hotel in Los Angelos,  I actually stayed at one that looked like this hotel two days ago for a wedding.   Non-descript little lobby,  clean rooms but nothing fancy.  Little old pool and those small little bars of soap in the bathroom.   If you have ever been to the Jersey Shore the shore is littered with these little hotel/motels.

The thing that sets the Magic Castle apart is that the...