Want to 10x your MSP?
Some people say that 10x’ing your business is easier than doubling it. Doubling it requires you to make continuous small improvements. You’re using your current people, processes, and capabilities but just trying harder.   Striving for 10x growth, on the other hand, requires whole new levels of creativity and innovation. It means making massive steps forward in your businesses efficiency, your resourcefulness and value creation you create.

In today’s episode of the IT Provider Network, I am going to share with you 3 changes you need to make in your mindset to set you up for 10x growth. Then I share with you five actionable items you can use to achieve it.
Start with your mindset
Who are you hanging out with?
The first thing you need to evaluate is who are you hanging around with? Who are you spending your time with?

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously coined the phrase that we are the average of the five people you hang around with,  the five people you spend the most time with.

Rohn’s rule suggests that the five people you spend the most time with shape who you are. Its based on the law of averages, which states that “the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes.” Were in business, we know many people, but the few who are closest to us have the most significant impact on our way of thinking and our decisions.

I would add that I have always felt the 5th person is you. Your thoughts, fears, and conditioning greatly affect your ability to succeed. Free yourself from the relationships that are holding you back. Free your mind from the messes you have made over the years.

Try to up-level the people around you. I hate to say "up-level" but find people that have traits or skills that you need and admire and get close to them. One of the best ways to do this if you don’t have a large circle of friends or if you live in a rural area is by joining a mastermind group. I think of a mastermind group as a group of like-minded people that are equally vested in their success and want to share with others like them.

Get out of your office, go work from a conference room. Change your surroundings, your peeps and start to change your life.
You need Confidence
You need confidence and confidence isn’t something everyone is born with. It’s a muscle and one way to exercise it is to continually celebrate your wins and use them to gain insight into how you can improve your efforts in the future.

Every Monday our leadership team has our weekly huddle. We start it off by going around the room and sharing 5 minutes of personal and professional good news from the previous week. For over a year I struggled to share some good news with the team, our meetings are on Monday and I honestly couldn’t remember anything that didn’t occur in the last 24 hours. Sad but true.

My achievements for the week were gone from my memory. When I started thinking about it, the problem was much bigger than my weekly huddle. I had no written record of my achievements or my company’s achievements, of my wins, of the company wins. How could I adequately celebrate our wins and tout our accomplishments if I couldn’t remember them? From that point on I started jotting down achievements in my one-note as soon as they happened. There are lots of ways to do this including a daily journal. For me, I just make a note in an ongoing one-note page and then I have it to refer to.
Break it down
Break down your activities into smaller tasks so that you can celebrate each task being completed as a win. For example, if you had a new years resolution to get to the gym, don’t just put “go to the gym” on your task list. Put get a water bottle, check. Lay out clothes, check. Charge Headphones, check. Plan workout routine, check. Drive to Gym, check and finally Lift More than before, check.

By breaking this down, you have much more opportunities for l wins, all of which help build confidence.