Tips for getting the most out of IT Nation or any conference for that matter.  I've been going to IT Nation for the last ten years so I hope you'll get something out of my experiences.   Even if you are not a Connectwise partner you can use this tips for any conference you attend.
Getting Ready – Before you go

Book your flights and your hotel room.  I usually book the hotel as soon as possible and get the flights a little later hoping for a less expensive farther out.

If you can stay at one of the “conference hotels” at the convention center.  All the action is happening at the conference.  There really is no reason to go anywhere else.  You don’t need a car,  just use a Mears shuttle or Uber.

Before you leave for the conference do whatever you can to simplify your life.  For example, I am on a ton of email aliases so I can keep my finger on the day to day operations in the business but I don’t really need to be.   When I travel I remove myself from almost everything I can so that I am not so easily distracted.

Make sure you have and pack your business cards.   Conferences are a great place to build relationships with other MSP’s, Vendors and the conference hosts.  If you’re not involved with a peer group, this becomes especially important.  Don’t just exchange business cards but try to build a quick rapport with the person you are speaking with.   If you want some tips on building rapport check out episode 3 of the IT Provider Network Building Rapport with Employees, Customers and Prospects or get and listen to  “How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less” by Nicholas Boothman.  It’s about a 3hr listen so you may be able to get it read on the plane ride down.


If you don’t yet use Audible, you should.   If you signup with the link on the show notes for this episode you’ll earn me a couple of bucks and you’ll get 2 free books when you sign up.   You can find the link and the show notes at


Download and configure the Conference App.   This will be your conference playbook.  By getting it ahead of time you can plan the sessions you want to attend and not have to worry about carrying a bunch of stuff around a very large  Convention Center.
Speaking off sessions.   This will be my tenth or eleventh IT Nation and in my opinion, there are three type of speakers


Connectwise Educators – These sessions are usually done by a Connectwise employee either with or without a customer. Usually, these are how-to type sessions about how to use the software better.
Connectwise Partners - These sessions are usually done by a Connectwise partner either with or without a customer. They usually have some good content that is loosely associated with the product or service they are selling.   It isn’t a sales pitch session.
Thought Leaders – These are some of my favorite sessions. Broaden your mind and listen to something or someone that doesn’t always look at the world where IT is at the center of it.

Your Unpaid Board of Directors
Think of IT Nation as an unpaid board of directors.   Figure out topics you need help with and lock them in your memory.  Use these questions as icebreakers when you network at the event.  Don’t just be a taker though,  give your advice freely and completely.   Don’t give people BS answers give them everything you have.  Remember you can tell 100 people your secret sauce and only 1 of them might actually act on it.   Execution is the secret to success and most people don’t have the discipline to do it.


And lastly, before you go, think about signing up for a pre-conference workshop or helping out with the IT Nation Gives event.  Sea Level Consulting, Gary Pica / TruMethods, Marketopia, IT Glue and others have pre-conference events for a small extra fee.


IT Nation Gives is a philanthropic event when Connectwise shuttles you a location in Orlando and a group of MSP’s and Connectwise employees work to help a...