“Basically what we’re doing is trying to bridge this gap. We know the problems of climate change, we know the solutions, and what’s going to connect those two is community. It’s people."

Welcome everyone to another episode of the It Matters To Me Podcast, a show that seeks out individuals dedicating their time and energy to non-profit causes that are bigger than themselves and the motivations behind that choice.

Today I have on the show, Dakota Jones, professional ultra-runner and Executive Director of Footprints, a 501-c-3 non-profit in the U.S. that exists as an incubator for climate action.

If you’re a particularly dedicated fan to the sport of trail-running, you might already know Dakota for some of his crazy fast times on courses like Hardrock or Transvulcania but what you might now know about him is his passion for addressing climate change.

Originally from Colorado, Dakota, took the ultra-running scene by storm starting in 2011 and has used that notoriety to become a vocal advocate for environmental justice.

The camps that Footprints put on are more than just a group of people getting together to run trails and simply talk about how they’d address climate change but instead is a chance for people who apply and are accepted into the program to put those words into action in their own communities.

Offering the benefit of mentors who know simply how to get things done, Footprints gives runners the chance to turn their ideas and passions into something tangible that will hopefully go on to protect the outdoor places they love.

Before we get started, I recently had the privilege of testing out some new running gear courtesy of Naked Sports Innovations and let me tell you, I can’t sing their praises enough.

The waistband and hydration vest they sent is some of the most comfortable pieces of running gear I’ve used in years. I’ve actually just been leaving the waistband on all day because it’s so comfortable and useful.

Made with an ultra-breathable mesh material, it fits snug around your waist and can carry poles, phone, water bottles, really whatever you feel like you’re going to need on your run.

I’ll include a link in the show notes to their website for you to get your hands on some yourself and to check out some of their other products.

Additional Links

Footprints (Website): https://runfootprints.org/about

Footprints Running Camp Video (Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krWA8vni4F4&pp=ygUXZm9vdHByaW50cyBydW5uaW5nIGNhbXA%3D

Footprints (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/footprintsrunning/

Dakota Jones (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/thatdakotajones/

It Matters To Me (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/adamcasey/

It Matters To Me (Website): https://itmatterstomepodcast.com/

Protect Our Winters (Website): https://protectourwinters.org/

Honnold Foundation (Website): https://www.honnoldfoundation.org/

Partners and Sponsors

Naked: https://nakedsportsinnovations.com/