Some of the things you'll discover in this week's three-part episode are:


+ How we can analyse and decide what is "doing good" or effective altruism without being overwhelmed by every decision that your making and what impact it's having on the entire community

+ How Em deals with this huge influx of information

+ Em shares her core underlying values that motivate the majority of her actions and why it's important to know your own values

+ Why looking after your health should be considered Effective altruism

+ Em talks about whether paying for a gym membership is being an Effective Altruist

+ Em talks about how to balance going out having fun and being an effective altruist

+ How to look at how you can make the most difference in this world 

+ What organisations to trust to donate our time and money too

+ Emily explains the "making money" side of non-profit organisations



+ Famine, Affluence and Morality book by Peter Singer  

+ Givewell - dedicated to figuring out what are the best charities

+ Want to Learn more go to 

+ With the life you can save the organisation website

+ An Impact calculator which tells you exactly what you can do for a given donation eg. Cure X people for blindness Calculator online for your income

+ Where in the world your percentage of income comes (what Em suggests doing to reflect on how much money )

+ The Good Place - the show I referenced



Emily would be more than happy for people to contact her about the research and anything regarding effective altruism at this email address...

+ Email: [email protected]  

+ Linkedin:


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I would also really love to hear about your own health journey, what your struggling with and what you'd love to hear covered in upcoming episodes please leave me a comment below or reach out to me at [email protected]