Hello everyone and welcome!! Today I have Kate McCandless on the show. Kate is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, G.A.P.S., ACNEM, SIBO, M.A.P.S & MINDD practitioner, and has been in the healthcare industry for 12 years, with a particular interest in Autoimmunity, Fatigue, Digestive, Lyme & Mould and Skin conditions. Kates passion stemmed from many years of personal ‘unknown’ illnesses and chronic fatigue, from which she was finally diagnosed with multiple autoimmune conditions including coeliac disease, endometriosis, and psoriatic arthritis.  As a result, she is committed to helping people discover a simple diet, with the support of herbs and nutrients, that nourishes and supports healing to regain the energy and passion for life they are missing. In addition to offering treatment for general health issues, Kate offers an integrative medicine service in order to assist patients to reduce the side effects of conventional medicines and, alongside their GP, also help patients safely withdraw from medications that are no longer required.


Some of the things you'll discover in this week's episodes are:


+ A bit about Kates story from 'unknown' illnesses to being diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases

+ How illness has changed kate and what she had learned from it

+ How Kate is managing this today

+ What lead Kate to study Natural Medicine

+ The different types of Autoimmune diseases

+ How Kate healed herself by using Natural medicine

+ What Autoimmune disease is and how it affects the body

+ What some of the signs and symptoms of Autoimmune Disease are

+ What specific nutrients and herbs that are important for supporting people with this and why




+ Sue Shepherd Gluten-Free Cooking 

+ More info on the GAPS diet by Natasha Cambell Mcbride

+ Steph Gadsen Chronic Fatigue Podcast episode



+ Facebook: www.facebook.com/MergeHealth/

+ Instagram: www.instagram.com/katemccandless_nd/

+ Website:  www.mergehealth.com.au 


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I would also really love to hear about your own health journey, what your struggling with and what you'd love to hear covered in upcoming episodes please leave me a comment below or reach out to me at [email protected]