Hello everyone and welcome!! I have my dear friend Nicole Brown back again on the podcast. I had the pleasure of interviewing her for episode 6 which was all about burn out and adrenal fatigue. On that episode, Nicole shared how she used natural medicine to heal herself after years of heavy training and dieting in competitive body sculpting where her health had taken a huge nose dive which lead her to have adrenal exhaustion, an underactive thyroid and many digestive issues. What we didn't talk about in that episode was that Nicole had also been battling an eating disorder since her early 30's after she had suffered a significant emotional trauma. Eating disorders I believe is a really important issue that definitely needs more airtime. Roughly 900, 000 people in Australia are estimated to have an eating disorder at any given time and 64% of them are female. Nicole was able to heal herself through Natural therapies and emotional work, which is why I am really grateful to have her on the today.

Some of the things you'll discover in this week's episodes are:

+ Nicole shares candidly her story and what lead her to have an eating disorder in her 30s
+ The definition of an eating disorder
+ The different types of eating disorders and how they differ
+ When Nicole knew she needed to get help
+ Why Nicole believes so many people suffer from eating disorders
+ Who is most at risk of developing eating disorders
+ The link between body image and eating disorders
+ How Nicole healed herself from having an eating disorder
+ The roadblocks that Nicole had come along the way
+ The warning signs and symptoms of eating disorders
+ What Nicole would have liked to have been told at that point in time in that part of her life that would have made a positive impact
+ Early red flags to keep an eye out for
+ The impact an eating disorder has on the body
+ The medical risks and complications of eating disorders
+ What Nicole recommends the first step for these people to take who are also suffering from eating disorders
+ How to keep on track and not fall back into unhealthy patterns
+ How Nicole cured her eating disorder
+ Whether it's possible as a concerning family or friend to say the wrong thing and make it worse
+ What someone should do if they think someone they know is suffering from an eating disorder



+ Episode 6 on burnout and adrenal fatigue with Nicole
+ The Stats on eating disorders

+ Rat park YouTube

+ Eating Disorder Communities Victoria

+ Foundation for eating disorders 

+ International Eating disorder treatments and resources 

+ Fat girl fed up Instagram


+ Website: Nicole is a manager at pachamamawholefoods.com.au/

+ Instagram: www.instagram.com/naturalbalance_wellness/


Your written reviews and feedback inspire me to improve each episode. Plus they help spread it can't be that friggin hard message far and wide. If you love the podcast and the information shared then please leave a review and rating over at iTunes or Stitcher. Don't have an iTunes account??? No worries! Listen on Spotify HERE.

I would also really love to hear about your own health journey, what you're struggling with and what you'd love to hear covered in upcoming episodes please leave me a comment below or reach out to me at [email protected]