I'm so excited to share this BONUS episode - which is a LIVE recording that I was so graciously asked to speak at with one of my fave Naturopath gal's Nicole Brown. We had a blast being able to connect with the folks of Envato - a tech design company and answer some of their health questions which were posted via www.sli.do/. If you want some kick arse Naturopaths to speak at one of your events please email [email protected].

Some of the Questions asked in this LIVE Q&A recording are:

+ I don't sleep very well what can I do to get better sleep?

+ I'm sensitive gluten, but find it hard to avoid what is best so you have to avoid but not miss out?

+ How can you stay healthy even when you sit at a desk all day?

+ What tools can you recommend to stay motivated with being healthy?

+ What are some healthy snacks for at the desk?

+ Could I have some on the go breakfast ideas?

+ How do you get enough protein and omega 3 into your diet if you vegan?

+ What natural options are there to support Hypothyroid?

+ Why am I bloated?