In this episode, qualified Naturopath Ashleigh Mythen talks with Shaun Brewster - a Myotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Ultra-endurance runner and ex-Martial Arts instructor who has spent his adult life carving out a professional career doing exactly what makes him happy. Early in his career, Shaun discovered the power of saying YES to opportunities when they presented themselves and creating opportunities when they didn’t. From becoming a university lecturer at the ripe old age of 21, to running hundreds of kilometres raising money for cancer research, to owning and operating one the fastest growing health education company in Australia - CEA - Shaun believes he has a completely unreasonable level of belief in his ability to do anything he puts his mind to and well it seems to be working for him.

I was lucky enough to be able to see Shaun speak at a seminar last year -  he has such a great energy and positive vibe which is why I'm so excited to have him on today's show.

Some of the things you'll discover in this week's episode are:

+ Why it's important to love what you do

+ How Shaun went about creating his own opportunities when they didn't present themselves

+ The power of saying YES even when fear is apparent

+ The challengers Shaun faced and how he overcame them

+ How Shaun continues to love what he does after over 20 years in the health industry

+ What Shaun would have liked to know 20 years ago

+ Why Shaun created his company 'Continue Education Australia'

+ How confidence isn't something you have but something you do

+ How being a bad student helped him to become a great teacher

+ How Shaun takes care of himself while having such an active and involved career

+ 3 things Shaun tries to do every day for optimum health

+ Why health is important when building the career of your dreams


 This episode has been sponsored by Naturopress - a cold press juicer that makes health and weight loss easy. To get $50 off your Naturopress purchase and free postage to anywhere in Australia go to type in the code: Get50off at the checkout.


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