Previous Episode: Ep. 8: What Did We Create?

Oh geez…. Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? We’re at the tail-end of September and we still haven’t released our latest episode! In a race against the clock, Matt and Will hastily put together another ramshackle installment of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, rushing feverishly against the sands of time to finish it on time. […]

Oh geez…. Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? We’re at the tail-end of September and we still haven’t released our latest episode! In a race against the clock, Matt and Will hastily put together another ramshackle installment of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, rushing feverishly against the sands of time to finish it on time. Even this episode description is being written in the final hour! C’mon now. Finish it up! If we don’t release this one soon, it’ll be too late! Hurry! Hurry! There’s not much time! Listen here!