Is that a tinfoil hat on your head, or are you just happy to see me? Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, as on this month of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, Will, Matt, Chris and our friend Bailie Tilton come together once again to celebrate our patented (don’t @ us, Rogan) conspiracy theories episode! […]

Is that a tinfoil hat on your head, or are you just happy to see me? Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, as on this month of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, Will, Matt, Chris and our friend Bailie Tilton come together once again to celebrate our patented (don’t @ us, Rogan) conspiracy theories episode! What sinister secrets, whether canonical or existential, lurk under the surface of Shrek 2? It’s also episode 69! That can’t be a coincidence, right? Everything happens for a reason! Or maybe it doesn’t! I don’t know man, I just work here! Load up that Imagine Dragons playlist from Spotify and dive down the rabbit hole here!