For more than two weeks the U.S. has been roiling in daily often violent versus peaceful protests over allegations of black racism and white privilege triggered by videos of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody arrested for passing a $20 counterfeit bill.

The nightly protests were set against the background of lurid flames and looting of minority owned businesses and fashionable stores from Manhattan to Santa Monica. In a Jewish Press opinion article entitled “God Is Dead,” Dan Greenfield illustrated how allies of the Black Lives Matter movement were torching African American and other churches including the President’s Church, St. John’s Episcopal on the periphery of Lafayette Park within steps of the White House.

That episode figured in a dramatic assault with tear gas and rubber bullets clearing the protests. Greenfield cited further evidence of a pogrom in broken windows at the 225 year Reform Temple in Richmond, Virginia and the Pro -Palestinian vandalism on the facade of an Orthodox Synagogue in the Fairfax section of Los Angeles; the latter indicative of “anti-Israelism the new antisemitism.”

Back in 2016, Tablet Magazine headlined a news report, “From Left to Right, Jewish Groups condemn ‘Repellent ‘Black Lives Matter Claim of Israeli ‘Genocide.’” What the media is not reporting is there are ominous signs that behind the “balagan” – chaos in slangy Hebrew- may be a disturbing anti-American Intifada.

Mr. Van Zile's views expressed in this Israel News Talk Radio - Beyond the Matrix interview are his own and not that of the Committee on Accuracy of Middle East Reporting and Analysis.

Beyond the Matrix 10JUNE2020 - PODCAST