Over 50,000 workers from the Palestinian Authority arrive in Israel every day for their jobs. If and when the devastating virus reaches the PA, Mahmoud Abbas's poorly run and trained health system will be incapable of adequately identifying, treating and isolating those infected and those at risk. Once the virus is here among us all ...and spreading, it will be of little use for PA Arabs to fall back on Israeli health facilities and services that would already be stretched to the limit.

The Coronavirus does not distinguish between border lines or between Arab and Jew, yet these two entities will handle this virus much differently, and how they do may be the ruin of one, or both. Israel must take the reigns if and when the corona virus makes its way to this region.

-with guest:
Aaron Braunstein, a former U.S. Foreign Service Officer. He has worked in Washington, Egypt, Tunisia, and Muslim West Africa for 30 years as part of the United States Foreign Service. Today, he heads the Jewish Covenant Alliance. You can visit his website at: www.CovenantAlliance.org

The Tamar Yonah Show 10FEB2020 - PODCAST