Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant and Jerry Gordon interview Dan Diker, Director of the Program to Counter Political Warfare at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Diker and Adam Shay of the JCPA have published a new monograph The PACBI Deception: Unmasked – Terror Links and Political Warfare Masquerading as Human Rights. The interview took place after the 48-hour rocket war against Israel instigated by Iran-controlled Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Iran-funded Hamas, a wing of the international Muslim Brotherhood movement. The 700-rocket onslaught against Israel resulted in deaths of four Israelis in Southern Israel, and retaliation by Israel resulted in 25 Palestinian casualties. Israel illustrated its precision counterterrorism strategy in Gaza with the first missile attack against Palestinian cyber warfare facility. Diker alleges that weekly violent protests on the Gaza/Israel frontier depicted Israel in Western media as operating ‘an open-air prison’ for the enclave’s 2 million residents. This was crafted to accuse Israel of human rights violations. The height of absurdity was the UN sanctioning Israel for use of the Iron Dome System for defending itself. Iran’s hybrid warfare involving proxies like the PIJ in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon deflected attention from its activities building missile and rocket facilities in Syria to attack Israel. Diker said that close intelligence cooperation between Israel’s Mossad, the US and several Western Intelligence agencies enabled the US to redeploy carrier and bomber forces to confront Iran threatening US allies and assets in the Gulf region. He drew attention in his book to the recent Sixth meeting of the Palestinian Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel. The BDS National Committee brought together the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces (PNIF) terrorist groups composed of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian Liberation Front, PFLP General Command for to deceive the West. it masqueraded as grassroots nonviolent human rights organization advocating BDS, while seeking to destroy the Jewish nation of Israel. Diker noted that the activities of the International BDS campaign have had no economic impact on Israel ‘s GDP. Rather it is meant to depict Israel as a violator of human rights, endeavoring to delegitimize and demonize it. Diker reveals that many Western European nations recognize that anti-Zionism against Israel is tantamount to Antisemitism. He addressed the conundrum facing the leaders of the US Democratic Party in Congress. Two Muslim women, US Representatives Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, use Free Speech to further the Antisemitic agenda of Political Islam of Iran and Sunni proxies - the PIJ and Hamas- both designated terrorist organizations.

Beyond the Matrix 08MAY2019 - PODCAST