On this show: Israel's upcoming 3rd elections inside of one year, Naftali Bennett's NEW Right Block, and Trump's 'Deal of the Century'. What does it all mean, and why did the 'right' political parties go so wrong? All this on the show with Jeremy Saltan, Political Strategist, Knesset Insider, and the Tenth candidate in Naftali Bennett's New Right party, and #18 on the Yamina list (the right wing block) for these upcoming elections to the Knesset. Visit his website at: www.KnessetJeremy.com

Afterwards, is there a way to learn Hebrew words in a quick, creative and fun way? Make way for a new book out called, 'Hilarious Hebrew- the Fun and Fast Way to Learn the Language', written by Yael Breuer & Eyal Shavit. Tamar speaks with Yael, who is a Hebrew teacher and a TV presenter about the humorous, yet educational, quips in her book. You can visit their website at: www.hilarioushebrew.com

The Tamar Yonah Show 28JAN2020 - PODCAST