If you can't beat 'em Silence them! Tamar interviews the fearless Laura Loomer! For those who do not know who Laura Loomer is, she's an American political activist and internet personality. She was a reporter for The Rebel Media in Canada, and ran as the Republican congressional candidate in Florida. She has been banned, censored, and locked out of her banking account. This is now happening to the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, Donald Trump. If they can do it to him, and do it to her, and do it to others, they can do it to us too. Listen in and learn more, and how to fight back and protect yourself from being cut off and locked out. Visit Laura's website at: https://loomered.com/ and follow her on Telegram at: https://t.me/loomeredofficial

The Tamar Yonah Show 17JAN2021 - PODCAST