With Obama Out, Trump in, and Biden getting ready to take the reigns again (a'la Obama), chess pieces on the board of the Middle East are moving around. But it's not only two players. We are looking at Israel, Iran, Syria, Russia, Turkey, and the United States. Countries are making new allies, and gearing up against formidable enemies. Where will the pieces fall?
Tamar speaks with Hadeel Oueis, a Syrian Arab woman who fled the civil war in Syria. Fleeing to the United States, she has become a journalist who reports from Washington D.C. for Arabic news outlets. Hadeel Oueis tells Tamar that the tide is changing in the Arab world, and that many Arabs who have been hurt by Iran are now coming over to the side of peace with Israel. Together, they are building an alliance against a common enemy, Iran.
Also, Jerry Gordon joins Tamar and talks about the regional importance of a hold in the Middle East, not just for energy and economics, but also for a strategic military advantage.

The Tamar Yonah Show 01DEC2020 - PODCAST