Lots or reports and video footage are coming in from all over trying to tell us that the Chinese government is not giving out the true numbers of the dead and those infected with the Coronavirus. Videos of people dropping dead in the streets of China, claims that 50,000 people have already died with their bodies incinerated, and that over a million and a half more have contracted the virus. HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT IS TRUE? How do we discern what is fake news, and staged videos, and what is real, and how much of it is real? Tamar speaks with her guest, Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, about the correct way to examine what we know, and what we don't know.
Plus, the Jewish activist segment with Shifra Hoffman of www.VictimsOfArabTerror.org
and www.Shuva.net

The Tamar Yonah Show 09FEB2020 - PODCAST