Tamar Yonah interviews 'Super Jew' Schmuel Hacohen, one of the most unique people you have ever met. Schmuel used to get beat up in school as a kid, until one day someone said something that turned him into someone you were AFRAID to mess with! Thus, people nicknamed him 'Super Jew'. Earning that name even further, we hear about his time serving in the IDF, his friend who was murdered, and the farm he has for troubled-teens.

For over 20 years, Schmuel has been working with endangered youth on his farm in Nachliel, a village in the Samarian mountains of Israel. These Israeli Jewish boys had broken souls, who everyone (including their own families) had given up on, when Schmuel stepped into the picture. He’d ‘pick them up from the dirt, teach them how to believe in themselves, and train them how to run positive, spiritual yet also down-to-earth, healthy lives and ultimately families.

NOW the farm is under financial threat of closing-down!

But, YOU can keep it open!

Schmuel is trying to raise money, but we, his friends, would like to help more because time is urgent. We know money could be tight, trust us when we say even a little can help because time is running out.

Think about it – when you donate to a cause you become an active part of all it’s success and it’s like you’re also doing it yourself! Please click here: https://tinyurl.com/uohtujy and be a 'Super Jew' and make a difference now!

The Tamar Yonah Show 18NOV2019 - PODCAST