He predicted the last 3 US election winners, and now he says that Trump will win his 2nd term - this according to Biblical prophecies. Meet Rabbi Isser Weisberg, an educator, communal Rabbi and teacher of Judaic studies. He is widely known for his expertise on End Time prophecies and Jewish eschatology. He posts short lectures on youtube, and his latest, "A bump in Trump's road to victory" - has gone viral. In it, he states that Vice President Joe Biden's temporary glory will soon come crashing down. Is he right? And if so, how will the Democrats take this reversal of fate? Also, Rabbi Weisberg shares when the Messiah has to come by, and the war of Gog & Magog. A fascinating show! Watch his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNAUydiLYr0

The Tamar Yonah Show 10NOV2020 - PODCAST