I begin with an item that concerns our relations with the Arab world and also our immediate neighbours.

If you are only interested in populist rhetoric, then I suggest you switch off now, because this is an intellectual analysis by two of our most qualified experts in these fields.
I believe that their presentation, although edited, will give you an enlightened perspective on today's Arab world and also on how to deal with the problems caused by our immediate neighbours.

That will be followed by two - more light-hearted items. First, why the Christian visitors, come to Israel in their thousands for Succot or what they call the feast of Tabernacles - and how they see us.

Also: A look in depth at what the Samaritans, who live in our midst and believe to be close to Judaism really do - and the distorted way in which they celebrate what they believe to be Succot..

The Walter Bingham File 29OCT2019 - PODCAST