Jamshid Sharmahd - a name you have probably never heard of before, is an Iranian revolutionary supporter working out of America, trying to OUST the present Islamic regime in Iran. The Islamic Iranian government terms him a 'terrorist', and some are saying that they may have lured him to Dubai, and then kidnapped him into Iranian custody. He may be tortured, and quite possibly hanged. What are Jamshid Sharmahd and many other 'revolutionary' Iranian citizens trying to do, and what other important insights into future relations with Iran can happen following any collapse of the current Islamic regime? Tamar speaks with Dr. Daniel Dana, an Iranian now living in Israel, and founder of PLIM or 'Peace and Love International Movement' to bring the message of peace and love between the nations of Israel and Iran.

The Tamar Yonah Show 04AUG2020 - PODCAST