He wasn't an Israeli citizen, and he didn't live in Israel, yet that didn't stop him from being a modern-day Maccabee! Hear some inspiring stories of what it's like enlisting in the Israeli army when you come all alone! Meet Rabbi Ari Abramowitz, Executive Director of Nevut - 'International Lone Soldiers' - Their Mission is Empowering Lone Soldier Veterans to Lead Successful Lives after serving in the Israeli army. A 'Lone' soldier is someone who does not live in Israel, but comes here to serve in the IDF and helps protect Israel. These lone soldiers give up everything, college, career, and marriageable years, to become a modern day Maccabee! You can check out more about Nevut at: www.Nevut.org

The Tamar Yonah Show 23DEC2019 - PODCAST