Many say that we are living in the Messianic era. Tamar's guest, Lowell Joseph Gallin, Biblical Researcher and Founder of the Root and Branch Association, joins Tamar and talks about the Messianic era. He speaks about the latest world events, the Messiah ben Yosef and the Messiah ben David, what their jobs are, and perhaps most interestingly, that the Messiah ben David will soon be emerging on the scene and restoring the Davidic Monarchy to our modern world. This is a fascinating show, that at the very least, stretches the mind to consider what he says MAY be happening today. Check out his new talk show on youtube called, "Dark to Light from Jerusalem" which he co-hosts monthly with Hollywood star, Rosanne Barr at:

The Tamar Yonah Show 02JUNE2020 - PODCAST