The COVID-19 Pandemic has infected over 3.7 million cases global, produced 258,012 dead. The US now has over 1.2 million cases and 72,256 deaths attributable to the novel coronavirus with its spikes of deadly proteins. Israel has 16,289 infected and 238 deaths. The US Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services has made US projections that by June 2020, an estimated 200,000 cases may double the level of fatalities from 1,750 daily currently to over 3,000. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institute of Infectious Diseases warns that there could be a ‘second wave’ coming this fall. Joint US and UK researcher allege in preliminary research that the novel coronavirus could mutate making it more contagious. Antibody and antigen testing appears to be flawed producing less than accurate results. The Swiss pharmaceuticals firm of Roche appears to have developed an accurate antibody test but cannot claim any predictive outcome of immunity or possible re-infection.

Then we have the international outcries against China and especially the questionable practices of the Wuhan Institute of Virology that may have accidentally released the novel Coronavirus from bat studies that might have been directed at a vaccine for HIV. That is reflected in the so-called ‘Five Eyes’ Intelligence report leaked to the press in Australia. The ‘Five Eyes are the intelligence agencies of the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The US Department of Homeland Security issued a report saying that China engaged in a “cover up” to horde medical supplies for its own use.

Beyond the Matrix 06MAY2020 - PODCAST