Natalie starts off by bragging about her children and their strong attitude of Jewish Israeli pride; then Natalie speaks with Nechama Greenfield who is moving from Teaneck to Ashkelon in 6 days, and she described the fear among the Jews of America, explaining that if you wear a kippah or jewish symbol you are now a target; second guest Aleeza Brach in Pardes Chana agrees and discusses her adventure traveling to a women's retreat up north without any plans on how to get there or get home, also Aleeza tells us that the 5 women she works with have never met together but they will be meeting soon in Israel because they all have a reason to be here. Last guest, Louis Angler who made aliyah at 17 as a long soldier from Miami, tells us about his IDF service and how this is the place for all Jews, people are warm and welcoming and helpful when you are here alone. Kol haKavod.

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