Bennett’s: Emphatic statement that to be Prime Minister with just 10 Knesset seats is undemocratic. But he has only six!

Also: There will be no government with the left or with Arabs, said Bennett. Today they are his coalition partners, and he does their bidding!

Lapid: Lives in Cloud-Cuckoo-Land; He is prepared to offer Israel’s silver for phoney Arab promises, because he does not understand the Palestinian Arab mentality and intentions.

Hear: How our Foreign Minister intends to lay the Corner-stone for a Palestinian State within Israel, when he God forbid succeeds as Prime Minister.

The: Tactical errors of sixteen years ago still impact on our daily life today.

How: Our new, otherwise great State President slipped-up badly.

Also: Examples of US President Biden’s inability to be the leader of the free world.

And: More

The Walter Bingham File 05OCT2021 - PODCAST