Youtube interview:

For years in America, Hollywood celebrities vowed to move to Canada if a Republican won the Presidential elections. Why Canada? Because Canada is our neighbor where everyone is polite, respectful, and nice to one another.
Today’s show, with special guest Marvin Rotrand from the Canadian Bnai Brith is here to tell another side of Canada. One that is rife with rampant and very dangerous antisemitism, especially on college campuses.
On the University of Toronto Campus, The Student Union of Toronto at Scarborough passed a resolution in support of BDS, calling on the University to sever all ties with ANY organization they deem supports the state of Israel. This included ending Kosher catering for the University's Jewish students.
In May of 2021, Jewish students at the U of T Medical school filed a complaint alleging defamatory and libelous comments directed at them from fellow medical students and faculty. Adding insult to injury, the school’s “anti-discrimination” czar, Ritika Goel is a BDS supporter who has called support for Israel a “barbaric cultural practice.”
Lest you think this antisemitism is limited to college “free-thing” activism, earlier this December, a Toronto District School Board Trustee who raised the alarms over antisemitic material distributed by another trustee was the target of a Censure for calling out the antisemitism.

The Definitive Rap 22DEC2021 - PODCAST