Never in the history of the State of Israel has there been a week like this.
The failure of candidates to form a government has for the first time reached a stage where the responsibility falls on the Knesset. The country is in suspense.

Another first: A sitting Prime Minister has been indicted for criminal offences.
Prime Minister Netanyahu claims to be innocent. But trial by media seems to be the norm in Israel and they have already convicted him.

Hear: How Walter is strongly accusing the Jerusalem Post and its editor for unreasonable commentary on the case of Netanyahu. An example of Fake News.

Plus: How Israel in the forefront of the fight against anti-Semitism.

Also: All about the uniformity of the facades of buildings in Jerusalem.

And: The Grand Rabbi of the Satmar Chassidic Sect is in Israel, spreading his Anti-State philosophy.

The Walter Bingham File 26NOV2019 - PODCAST