Israel's trees are blooming with flowers and you can hear people wishing each other a chag sameach in Hebrew... or happy holiday (in English). It is a joyful time of season. I have a special episode for you all about Shavuot. It’s a Jewish holiday which commemorates the time that the Jewish people received the ten commandments from G-d. Anat Ishai is a special woman from Toronto, now living in Israel. She tells us how she celebrates this underrepresented holiday. Anat Ishai is also known as the Challah Mom on social media and has around 120K followers on Instagram and 33K on tiktok.

Ishai teaches people about Judaism through baking and preparing delicious items for the table, but I also found her to be a wealth of knowledge regarding the history of our traditions and she even gave me some ideas for new ones that I can bring into my home for this holiday. This interview was originally live on instragram on the israel daily dot news instagram page and has been adopted for your ear here on the israel daily news podcast. 


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