Georgia frets about what selling to Activision means for her beloved Candy Crush, Bri brings us the shortest Halo 5 review ever, Maddy feigns surprise that women own more game consoles than men, and Steve has a run-in with the littlest Master Chief.

Georgia frets about what selling to Activision means for her beloved Candy Crush, Bri brings us the shortest Halo 5 review ever, Maddy feigns surprise that women own more game consoles than men, and Steve has a run-in with the littlest Master Chief.

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Links and Show Notes

What We’re Playing:

Bri - Rise of the Tomb Raider, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Neko Atsume, Weaphones
Maddy - Cibele
Georgia - The Room 3
Steve - Mushroom 11 and Mega Man X


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