After an in-depth recap of Bri's week fighting GamerGate, we try to cheer her up with a detailed discussion of Bayonetta 2, salacious StarFox fan fiction, and what the Muppets you like say about you.

(Note: The beginning of this episode has a trigger warning for rape, threats of death, bullying and harassment, which concludes at the 40 minute mark.)

After an in-depth recap of Bri's week fighting GamerGate, we try to cheer her up with a detailed discussion of Bayonetta 2, salacious StarFox fan fiction, and what the Muppets you like say about you.

(Note: The beginning of this episode has a trigger warning for rape, threats of death, bullying and harassment, which concludes at the 40 minute mark.)

Links and Show Notes

Links for this episode:

The disturbing panda costume

Kotaku's report on Bri's death threats

Bri's editorial in XOJane

The terrible sea lion

How many GamerGaters are there?

Maddy’s Bayonetta 2 Review

Revolution 60 in the App Store

Revolution 60 on Metacritic

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