Caught- Balancing Magic by Isoellen is a 18+ fantasy for adults {romantasy} novel with magic, swords, corsets, and creatures. But no elves.


Chapter 7- Mages, Nulls and Magicers Are Everywhere (Anika)

Chapter 8- Witches and Mages (Anika)

Chapter 9  I’m Nobody (Anika)


First Episode (chapters 1-3) 

Second Episode (chapters 4-6)


Want to read this mess as I'm writing it? Follow me on REAM for free to read.

Want to read first and support the author? Just join the Coffee and Smut club. 


All content on this channel is owned and created by me. It’s all my fault. I’m not sorry.  Including the story Caught – Balancing magic. Plagiarism and pirating is theft. Don’t do it, especially when I’m giving stuff away for free.