We talk about all kinds of things. It was a great conversation with blogger, writer, and adult lifestyle content creator Mystical May.  I feel like we are kindred spirts. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.  

Want to know more?  

About May:

- https://twitter.com/more_mattershttps://twitter.com/more_matters

I am May More. That is my pen name but is very much – me – who I am. Who I have become. I love writing. Full stop. Fiction, real life, sexy, romantic, dark, serious – you name it I want to do it.  Apart from that, in the past I have a degree in psychology, have been a computer programmer, studied nutrition and remain a Mother, a lover, an author, a friend and of course an individual. Originally I began my site - https://ifsexmatters.co.uk - because I wanted a place to write and also put across the message that you owe it to yourself and who ever you love to be true to your sexy, kinky needs. I still write for the same reason but Sex Matters has evolved. Just as I have. We have grown together. Now I find writing about all kinds of life topics liberates me. Reflecting back on my life heals me. Writing fiction fires me. And writing about kinky capers with my man energises me. I have just finished running a fiction mystery relay – which was a lot of fun. I also host a few memes. 4Thoughts & Fiction and Life Matters. Plus am involved with another site all about blogging and writing... http://blogable.club Links – My ebooks - https://amazon.co.uk/May-More/e/B082Z8LM71… Audio link for my story reading bit - https://ifsexmatters.co.uk/radio-more-whispered-obscenities/


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