Previous Episode: Waez - Understanding Quran

Duniya Sirajine Shaah More

eji duniyaa sirajine shaahaa more ana upaayaaji
 pavan paannee paydaa keedhaajee..............................1 

Having created the world my Lord produced food. He also created air and water. 

eji kahore jiv tame kis kaarann aayaaji
 na kidhi saahebjini srevaaji............................2 

Ask your own selves(souls) for what purpose have you come in this world if you have not devoted yourselves to the Imam. 

eji duniyaano lobh jivddo karavaane laagoji
 duniyaane lobhe bharame bhuloji............................3 

The soul has indulged itself in the greed of this world. For the sake of the greed of this world and delusion, it has forgotten (it's essential purpose). 

eji bhulo te maathaano bhejo kaane nisarasheji
 til tilnaa lekhaa saaheb lesheji..........................4 

If you have forgotten, then your brain will protrude from your ears. The Lord will take account of every little thing done. 

eji sohosoho karanni-e tiyaa(n) suraj tapasheji
 maai na kaheve putra meraaji................................5 

The sun will blaze with hundredfold intensity of heat. Even a mother will not be able to recognise her own son. 

eji jumloji puchhe aapannaa jivu(n)naa pirne
 amaraapurinaa ghar chhe kevaaji............................6 

The Jamats ask the Pir of their souls: what is the nature of the eternal abode? 

eji sonaani i(n)ttaddi ne rupaanaa tha(m)bhaji
 saav kasturi keraa gaaraajee................................7 

The bricks are of gold and the pillars are of silver. The plaster is of pure musk. 

eji evaa evaa mohol apanne saahebe upaayaaji
 karanni kamaavo to e ghar paamoji..........................8 

Such are the mansions our Lord has built. Earn good deeds so that you may earn such an abode. 

eji bhanne pir sadardin sunno gati-u momano
 karanni kamaavo to evaa fal paamoji........................9 

Pir Sadardin teaches: listen o momins of the congregation. If you earn good deeds, such will be the fruits you will attain.

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