Well, here we are my fellow green chums. For the hundredth time, we step upon the Isle.


But there'll have to be time for mind-blowing later. For now we kick off not only our new 100Qs series but we welcome new part-time co-host Emily of the Eyrie for the very first time.

After some explaining, thanking, and introducing, Emily and I go through the first ten of our hundred Winds questions, ones that we encourage you to send in your own answers to (as well as some more questions if you have them!)

Today's puzzlers include:

- Which POV will die first?

- What will Jon Snow be like upon his resurrection?

- What is the fate and future of Meera Reed?

- Which non-titled POV will gain a title?

- And plenty more!


So come along, celebrate the century mark, welcome Emily, and settle down for question time (and of course let us know how you like the new episode!)


Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at



Thanks as always!

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