Chris Maclellan, founder of the Whole Care Network shares his story about his heartfelt caregiving experiences for his partner, Richard, through to the next chapter of his caregiving journey where he is now advocating for all caregivers.

As a family caregiver advocate, Chris reminds caregivers that we know our loved ones best – we are their Chief Everything Officer (CEO). He also reminds family caregivers that caregiving is all emotional and when we focus intensely on our care partner/loved one we often neglect ourselves. Being a CEO or wearing a Caregiving Cape does not mean we can do it all ourselves; and what better place to obtain supports and resources than through reliable and credible information from other caregivers and their stories. 

The importance of conversations and relationships are both topics we discuss in this episode. Listen to Chris speak about a unique caregiving approach he implemented and how this approach provided an opportunity for difficult conversations to take place during the vulnerable yet trusting “poop-a-rama” conversations.