Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week! I really mean it this time. It's super fun. This week we take a look at one of my favorite goofball DC Characters of all the times!!! THE VIKING COMMANDO! He's a WWII Character that is more or less Thor in fatigues. Just great stuff..

Before we get there though we take a look at a flick we saw called The 5th Wave with Chloe Moretz. It was cool and we tell you all about it. ALSO!!! Me and Iceberg 13 get into a HUGE Argument and you have a front row seat! It's not to be missed.

It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!

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