Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week. We start off with a little talk about Free Comic Book day here in Santa Rosa and then we talk on Diablo Cody's latest movie. It's called Tully. I'll tell you all about it. 

Finally we finish off with some talk about Cobra Kai, my new Lando action Figure and some other Star Wars dudes I bought plus some talk about The Flea Market season 

Make sure to hop on over to Support The Report and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! While helping to support the show. Man, we need all the help that we can get.

Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.