Hey kids! Thanks for stopping by. We have a super fun show ahead of us this week! This is basically a quickly thrown together affair. I got back from The Scorch with plenty of stories to tell so ya, these are the tales of my trip to Phoenix AZ. It was hot as a mug man. Like 120 in the shade! For real.

I start off with some talk of an awesome Video Store I went to in Phoenix called Video Surplus and then it's on to Tales From The Dig cause we hit that place up and wrecked shop on the fools that hang out there. Tune in to hear all about it! 

Then it's the TRU Report and here I tell you all about something I bought and what I saw over at the AZ Toys R Us stores. It's tons of fun!

It's a great show like always, Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to stop by SupportTheReport.com and check out how you can get the ISR Supertape VHS Tape! It's totally worth it! Just do it already!

Also hop on over to VirtualDirtmall.com The ISR Superstore and take care of some of your Retro Junk Shopping needs while also supporting The Toys R Us Report.