Happy Halloween kids! This week we have a something a bit fun. A classic episode from the past with an all new intro by me, IseeRobots! In the episode me and Iceberg do a bit of Ghost Hunting at the haunted Toys R Us In Sunnyvale California!

It's all in the episode though. So you can hear it there but it's also fun to watch. Basically it's all haunted up and me an my boy Iceberg Thirteen went down there to see what's what. I'm not a big believer in this sort of thing but we've came up with a recorded that might change my mind! You have to hear it. It's pretty creepy. 

Look dudes, this is going to be something people talk about for years. You wanna be part of that right? Like all cutting edge and in the know as far as what people talk about right? 

Make sure to tell a friend and make sure to hop on over to SupportTheReport.com and see what we can do for you for helping out with The Toys R Us Report. Any and all support is greatly appreciated..! Thanks again kids! Have a great Halloween!