Previous Episode: No Big Hotel in Our Small Town
Next Episode: Salon Dimas

On November 12, 2019, the City Council unanimously voted 5-0 to add a proposed 0.75% sales tax increase on the March 2020 ballot.

Historically, the City has been very fiscally conservative with healthy reserves, so why did the Council put this measure on the ballot? Listen to this episode to get more information about the City's rationale behind the decision as well as details about what the sales tax could mean for the City and its residents.

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Ballot Measure Text:
To preserve San Dimas’ long-term financial stability; maintain emergency response, neighborhood sheriff patrols; prevent thefts/burglaries; protect/clean local water sources; keep public areas safe/clean; repair streets/potholes; maintain senior, youth/afterschool services/other general services; shall a measure be adopted establishing a 0.75% sales tax providing approximately $4,700,000 annually until ended by voters; requiring audits/public disclosure of all spending, all funds benefiting San Dimas residents?