Join us as we decipher the cryptic verses attributed to Saint Malachy, exploring the prophecies that purportedly foretell the characteristics and destinies of the popes. From Celestine II to Francis, each pontiff's description is said to offer a glimpse into their reign.

We navigate the historical context, the controversies surrounding the prophecies, and the impact they've had on the perception of papal succession. We scrutinize the connections between Saint Malachy's visions and the realities of each pope's reign, inviting you to ponder the fascinating interplay of prophecy and history within the Vatican.

This episode is a riveting exploration of belief, mystery, and the enduring fascination with prophetic visions. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the layers of Saint Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes and contemplate the possible futures that were foretold centuries ago. 🕊️⛪