Another episode of Is There Something In This has just tripped and scraped its knee on the hot pavement of the world. The hot-button topics we address this time around are as follows:

Jason is a cheapskate husband Fear and Loathing in Atlantic City Bike lane stencils (Shaking fist at pedestrians) Slapstick bike crashes It's midday in Norfolk Island Virgin or Maternity Leave? Scott is an inflated puffer fish Have you heard the good word of Steve Jobs Aren't we just the worst species? Collingwood are in the top 4! Scott’s Melania conspiracy theories The plumber’s wife Jepeto’s prototype The beta model The Earth is flat and Australia doesn’t exist Where and who is Trump’s Mother-in-law? The Best Instagram Sherpa Can you point out the man who ruined your life? I don’t think it’s called slop 5th-grader cartoon suggestions

and a very special set of listener suggestions this week from the kids at Martin Luther King Jr Academy in Yonkers...

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