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Miki is a core member of the Grammy-nominated ensemble, A Far Cry

The Boston Globe profile on Miki's "Little Criers"concerts for families and children. Find "Little Criers" on A Far Cry's Facebook Page.

Miki and I play in the Solera Quartet together: MUSIC IN THIS EPISODE is from Mendelssohn's String Quartet, Op. 80, from the Solera Quartet's debut album, EVERY MOMENT PRESENT.

Robert Levin, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University

Ronda Cole, Director of NVSMS , Violin Teacher, Teacher Trainer for the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA)

Ricardo Cyncynates, Assistant Concertmaster of the National Symphony Orchestra

Ani Kavafian, Professor of Violin, Yale School of Music

Miriam Fried, Professor of Violin, New England Conservatory of Music

Donald Weilerstein, Dorothy Richard Starling Chair in Violin Studies, New England Conservatory of Music