.This interview happened during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony at the Kavanaugh hearing In my conversation with playwright, fiction writer, and doula, Jennifer Fawcett, we talk about:

How do we give ourselves "permission"?

The importance of making your own "stuff".

Struggling with "who cares" and Imposter Syndrome.

How powerful and necessary it is to tell our own stories.

If girls face more challenges towards self-actualization.

How to keep making things even if we feel inadequate.

How writing her own material helped her overcome messages that she wasn't good enough.

How we all have experiences with bullying and how bullying is a magnet topic.

Depression and and the perspective making power of storytelling and theater.

Narcissism and social media.

Teaching writing workshops in Tanzania and Rwanda.

Motherhood and its impact of creative work and process.

How storytelling creates awareness of interconnection across cultures, languages, and experiences.

Why perfect isn't interesting.

Why we should "keep doing it anyway".